Please learn what we are about, and join our efforts!
To enhance the health and general well-being of children, women and men in the rural communities of developing countries, specifically in the country of Uganda .
We work with our communities to achieve our mission through empowering women in their respective communities. The women will, in turn, be role models for their children, Kofi Annan, the late UN Secretary General, stated; ”Study after study has taught us that there is no tool more effective for development than the education of girls and the empowerment of women”.
Our Vision:
An international community movement that envisions an equal and just world for all people. We seek to enhance access and opportunities to health, education, financial management, and availability of resources (water, food, and clean energy).
We work for a justice filled world for all beings, with a concern for animals, plants and our shared greater environment.
Our Approach:
IHA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit USA fully volunteer organization. We work to assist the rural communities of developing countries, primarily Uganda, in obtaining adequate health care, education for their children & an adequate wage. We do this through engaging in dialog with community members around issues identified by those in the rural areas, themselves. Our conversations dictate our next projects.